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Design Manager chez Critizr
In an online satisfaction survey, each question must be useful and to the point, especially on channels where respondents want things simple and fast. Creating an online satisfaction survey requires ample preparation as well as a good working knowledge of the different types of questions that can be posed. In this article, we’ll cover in detail the practice of asking the right questions at the right time.
Your survey will be carried out on the internet. You’re surely aware by now that internet users are short on time and expect things to be made as simple for them as possible. Your survey must, therefore, adapt to the demands of these users by minimizing the effort that is required of them.
Always keep in mind that your survey respondents are doing you a tremendous service and that your role is to make whatever it is you’re asking of them as effortless as possible.
To achieve this, avoid technical vocabulary (shop talk, marketing jargon) as well as words that carry ambiguous meaning (e.g. “good” or “nice”). Your customer certainly does not have the same product knowledge as you, the product owner, does. It is also best to avoid long-winded questions (a question should not exceed one line or, at most, a line and a half). To simplify the job of reading for the reader, consider also highlighting important keywords using a specific font. Words relating to time, such as adverbs of frequency, are very subjective (e.g. occasionally, etc.) so you need to use them with caution. To avoid the risk of subjectivity, don’t hesitate to provide context for the responses. Another thing to stay away from are negations, and especially stay away from double negatives. And lastly, we advise you to be careful with polysemy (when one question can have two meanings); keep in mind, that the goal is to collect one distinct data point per question.
The fewer questions you ask, the better your response rate. It is therefore essential to prioritize your questions, as not all of them are necessarily useful. At Critizr, we believe that respondents should not have to fill out more than 10 questions. However, this does not necessarily mean that your survey should not exceed 10 questions. Have you thought about including questions that are based off of the answers to previous questions’ answers? This could help you to avoid asking unnecessary or inappropriate questions in certain cases! This is an important point if you take into account the respondent and their limited online attention span. You may also ask the respondent to skip a question if it is not important or if it does not apply to all cases. If your question allows for it, don’t hesitate to pre-fill the answer, thus setting it up so that the respondent merely needs to validate the response and perhaps add a personal touch via a testimonial/verbatim.
Questions can take different forms, each of which can measure results in different ways. It is therefore important to think carefully about the format of the questions you include.
Measurement scales are particularly suitable if the objective of your survey is to manage your collaborators. They are much more reliable and nuanced!
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Your online satisfaction survey should be like a funnel, starting from the simplest and most generic, while working toward the most complicated and detailed types of questions. This is a fairly standard and efficient structure, both for online and more traditional mediums. Of course, the structure is flexible depending on the needs of each company. That said, at Critizr, we recommend limiting the number of questions in your survey to 5. Beyond that, you risk losing your reader!
A tip from Critizr: A simple introduction question such as “Are you satisfied with ________?”, with five modalities represented by stars, should serve to engage your customers in the survey. This sort of introductory question typically earns us a high conversion rate among our customers.
Critizr Tip: When a customer’s review is attached to their customer record (CRM), the information becomes much more useful and reliable.
At Critizr, our belief is that a online satisfaction survey must be simple, fast, and suited to the needs of each company. To accomplish this, it is important to equip yourself with a flexible tool that can be smoothly integrated into your current structure. This way, you can solicit the customer’s feedback through a multitude of channels (email, SMS, website, mobile, etc.) with simplicity and efficiency. Don’t hesitate to download our checklist called “Cheat Sheet” for a comprehensive view of the key elements to remember !
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