March 8th 2022 marks International Women's Day. A day where people across the world celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.
At Critizr, diversity and equality is at the heart of our identity, with a France Gender equality Index score of 88/100. This year, we asked the team to reflect on what International Women's Day means to them...
What does International Women's Day mean to you?
Virginie, Strategic Sales Executive
"The journey to equal treatment will take time and International women's day is a moment to celebrate the role models but also be conscious that we all have a responsibility in making things move"
Maria, HR Operations Specialist
To me, International Women’s Day is an opportunity to highlight women’s empowerment, and rights, but also to focus on the challenges that still exist to this day, like discrimination in hiring or wage inequality. Obviously, we should talk about it all year long, but I think it's a nice occasion and reminder for everyone to start feeling concerned - if they weren't in the past, and maybe start learning what they can do on a day to day basis, at their scale, to defend women's rights and consideration.
Audrey, Local Success Manager
This day is about acknowledging Women's rights and the inequalities that still exist with men, and working to suppress these inequalities. Too often I see companies using this day as an advertising opportunity, but then they go back into their patterns of salary inequalities, daily sexism, lack of parity in C-level positions, harassment of female employees, etc. But it's not just a day to give women roses and be done with it. It's a reminder to work every day towards equality and giving women the same opportunities as men. It should be a day to have open discussions, of trying to understand women's challenges in this day and age and working all together to find solutions.
Maud, Solution Consultant
For me, Women's Day is a reminder that gender equality is not yet fully achieved and allows us to reaffirm the importance of the fight for women's rights.
JG, Sales Enablement Specialist
Part of my job is about empowerment. Part of my background included sociology. To me, IWD is the ideal moment to reflect on what it takes to be a woman and how they may deserve what they want. A brave endeavour indeed.
Olivier Duprez - CRO 
An average of 137 women across the world are killed by a partner or family member every day. This number seems crazy but is true. Just in France alone, one woman is killed every 2 days. We cannot accept that or any violence which is still a huge problem in our modern and « developed » societies. We should all stand up and say STOP during this day but moreover during the 364 days of the year!
Marie-Cécile - Talent Acquisition Specialist
An effort to remember that all humans are equal.
Xavier, VP HR
It means to me that the Middle-Age is still around, it's a pity that we have to fight for something that is a no-brainer and should be of no debate to everyone everywhere anytime!
Inès, Director of Strategy and Operations for Sales & Marketing
It's a day of reflection of all that has been achieved to get there. It's a day to celebrate our multiple lives and roles. It's a day to be heard even louder, even clearer. It's a day to embrace sorority and keep moving to extend it to the infinity.
James, Brand Director
For me, it's a day to celebrate women everywhere. Whether alive or in memory. I always think of the great women in my life, in particular my wife, daughter, sister and mother.
Read more about how Critizr keeps equality and diversity at the heart of its identity here.